Today we are continuing the story from the retrospective "Origins" series. The action takes place where we left off in the previous episode...
After the events in the D.E.A.D. club, Rebecca goes on a walk with Faye to the city. While they stroll through the streets, they "accidentally" stumble upon a brain chip clinic. Faye encourages Rebecca to walk inside... Inside of the clinic, they meet Pamela (seen in the previous episode), who is the clinic's employee. They both persuade Rebecca to get her own pain conversion chip, and the procedure begins... After installation, Faye helps Rebecca test her new "toy". She rips out her nipples using a pair of pliers, drills a hole in her belly and slides a dildo into her stomach, and in the end, she beheads her with a katana...
In the second scene, Beatrix (the club employee from the previous episode) and Lin, a young, aspiring popstar idol are captured by a terrorist group called Humanity Global Front - an anti-cyberware organisation, who aims at "purifying" people who use the pain alteration technology, or modify their bodies in any other way... Two cultists were assigned to "purify" the girls, using terrifying torture methods...